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Project | 01 West Ridge Subdivision

Researched some property appraiser sites to find property value and information, then created a map of a subdivision plot using Arcmap, exporting the necessary easements, and creating a deliverable map of the subdivision for the client.

Project | 02 Washington D.C. Crime Analysis

Performed a crime analysis for Washington D.C.. For the crime analysis map I created a multiple zone buffer layer and performed a spatial join to add the crime data. I added a percent field to find the percentage of crime in each zone and created the buffer zone graph. I then added the percent field and performed the spatial join on the police stations layer, to symbolize the police station by proximity to crimes using graduated symbols. 

For the hotspots map we used the kernel density tool to locate crime hotspots. I added 3 data frames and select by attribute query to select the individual offenses, then ran the kernel density tool to create the crime hotspot outputs. I set the transparency to 65 percent and added the block groups layer to the background and symbolized it by population density. 

Project | 03 Lahar Hazards

Lahar poses a major threat to areas surrounding volcanoes and volcanic activity. To identify the most vulnerable areas using GIS, I used many spatial analyst tools to create the streams feature, such as integer tool to convert the floating point raster to an integer raster, and stream to feature tool to create the streams layer from a flow direction raster. Next, I created a buffer zone around the stream feature and used a selection tool to select all block groups containing the buffer zone and used many different layers to create a map to show the lahar hazard zones, and identify affected cities and schools. This assignment allowed me to think critically and use my GIS skills more independently. 

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Project | 01

Project | 02

Project | 03

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